CVTS provides Field Service Management Software across various industries on a global scale. We enable our customers and partners through automation on integration of systems to improve and streamline operations.
Digital job cards allow field workers to complete the required information via their mobile app. This standardized information is immediately available to the back office for verification and billing.
Improved quality and standardizations
Improvement Scheduling
Information for strategic decision making
Visibility of field workers and assets
Improved billing cycles
With over 7 years’ experience in digitization of Field Service Management, CVTS will assist in improving turn around for successful adoption.
Industries include Telco, Logistics, Mining, HVAC, Maintenance and Repairs on an international scale.
Job Card Templatization
Payment Gateways
Training of use on mobile and desktop apps
Managed Services
Synchroteam is a leading cloud-based field service management solution aimed at managing real-time mobile employees such as technicians, inspectors, service-oriented employees and investigators. Synchroteam delivers a complete, intuitive and affordable solution over the internet.
Synchroteam is a cloud-based SaaS with iOS and Android mobile apps. Integrates with Quickbooks.
CVTS is a Synchroteam affiliate partner.
Customer Field Service CRM
Customer details
Customer sites
Customer site equipment inventory
Job requirements and detail
Custom fields
Customer portal (jobs, quotes, invoices)
Appointment forms
Creating quotes, invoicing and credit notes
Converting estimates to jobs
Status (draft, created, sent, paid, overdue and cancelled)
Customized numbering
Export invoices in standard or detailed format in .csv or .xls format
Export invoices in Sage format
Free Sage connector
Free Xero connector
Free QuickBooks Online connector
Mobile and Back Office Cashiering Module
API Access & Storage
REST API for creating a custom integration
Recovering information via API: Interventions, clients, invoices, etc.
Creation of clients and interventions
- integration (Storage is limited)
Job Management
Customizable job types
Customizable job templates (Shared blocks, repeatable blocks)
Jobs and activity planning
Planning in provisional mode
Automation of recurring jobs
Conflict detection
Allocation and dispatch
Contract and incident management
Contracts (recurring Jobs)
Multi-technician interventions
Projects (multi-job function)
Mapping (planning and monitoring of schedules)
Live location tracking
Resource Management
Equipment & materials
Products, parts and standard services catalog
Service staff roster(s)
Customizable dashboards
Administration and Configuration
User management
Group management
Skills and work schedule
Availability management
Import/Export data (Interventions, activities, clients, catalogue, users)
Customizable fields
Customizable reports
Customizable PDFs or reports, quotes, invoices, credit notes
Customizable data exports
Photo gallery
Integration with Stripe payment solution
2-Factor Authentication
Single Sign-On (SSO) authentication
Settable expiration of authentication on mobile
Job Scheduling Optimization
Automatic scheduling
Skills management
Management of Scheduling preferences (group, technician, date, day and time)
Management of work schedule
Client location & technician availability
Mobile Apps
Mobile offline client (iOS, Android)
Mapping and destination addresses
Real-time technician location
Job notification
Signature capture
Adding and annotating photos to the job
Adding reservations to a report
Scanning barcodes
Create, Suspend, Reschedule or Deny a field intervention
Access to the basket of interventions
Stock management and tracking of serialized parts
Mobile invoicing and collection
Activity and route management
Incident resolution
Message reception
Real-time Client Notifications
Inform your customers by SMS and/or email
Appointment confirmation, reminders
Schedule your notifications to be sent
Webhook notifications